If you have reached this page then it is likely you are seeking a therapist or a psychoanalyst to help you understand a problem you are facing in your life. 

Inner conflicts regarding work, sexuality, or relationships can sometimes result in us feeling stuck, frustrated, over- or underwhelmed. Suffering in these ways can lead to feeling isolated, unmotivated, or anxious, lacking or even suffused with energy, and, above all, at a loss as to the causes of these distressing feelings. 

Through talk therapy, we can work together to facilitate a creative understanding of your thoughts and emotional patterns that inhibit you or cause you pain. 

I work in a psychoanalytically informed psychodynamic therapy model that seeks to meet you in your own unique situation and your own way of seeing and experiencing the world and your self. I see psychoanalysis as a process embarked upon together, with myself as custodian and protector of a process in which you can freely explore your thoughts and feelings unimpeded by guilt, shame, or judgment. 

My non-judgmental approach to psychotherapy and psychoanalysis respects and embraces difference and will eventually diminish the suffering experienced in anxiety and depression. It can feel surprising and counter-intuitive to understand that anxiety and depressive affects are there for a reason, often for a complex of reasons. These feelings have served us in the past, but perhaps no longer do so. Yet, they should be understood and given the respect and awe they deserve. Behind every anxiety is a wish unfulfilled. 

I am psychoanalyst with training in psychoanalytic theory and clinical practice at the Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research (IPTAR). I also have a professional background in art and higher education and teach at NYU Steinhardt. I feel my 20+ years of experience in art gives me a sensitivity to the particular challenges faced by people in the creative fields.

I am affiliated with the Therabridge Clinical Group and with the Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research (IPTAR). For more information follow the links.

303 5th Ave., Suite 1109
New York, NY 10016
+1 (718) 490 2626